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Trumbull Agriscience and Biotechnology Center Logo

The Agriscience and Biotechnology Program is a four-year course of study that combines the core academic curriculum with classroom instruction and hands-on training.
Students are offered a unique opportunity to explore careers in a comprehensive agriculture science and technology education program, consisting of the following elements:

Classroom Instruction
designed to prepare students for the emerging agricultural science and technology field. The broad-based curriculum incorporates cutting edge technologies, rigorous academics, current labor market information and career decision-making skills.

Laboratory experiences
providing hands-on activities relating to the mastery of skills in agriculture mechanic technology and animal and plant science technology (including microbiology, biochemical and genetic disciplines).

Student leadership training through FFA, a national leadership organization for students studying agriculture. Skills include teamwork, organization, career decision-making, and oral and written communications.

All students enrolled in the Trumbull Regional Agriscience Program are considered full-time Trumbull High School students, and they may participate in all THS extracurricular activities, clubs, honor programs, etc.